Running Nutritionist

Meet Callie Miller, MS, RD, CPT

I’m Callie, I’ve been a Registered Dietitian for 10 years, and a runner for almost 16 years. 

My Running Journey

I love hearing how people get into running, so I figured I would share my journey! Running has always been therapeutic for me. I was a track-and-field athlete since 6th grade, competing in sprints, jumps, and hurdles. It wasn’t until my sophomore year of high school I decided to go out for the cross-country team with the goal to just “stay in shape” since I never did a fall sport. I had no idea I would fall in love with it like I did.

My specialties went from sprints, jumps, and hurdles, to eventually the 800 and the mile. With my newfound love for endurance, I was hoping to start competing in longer events, finding so much joy in the training and using my gift for speed and power to win races. I earned a scholarship to a division one school, and was so excited to compete at the next level and make a big podium.

Needless to say, my collegiate career went as bad as my “worst case scenario” had thought. I became wrapped up in body dysmorphia, disordered eating, and mental illness. I was verbally abused and given diet books to read, and told I wasn’t strong enough. It literally crushed me. I had so many dreams of running fast times and winning big races, and the lack of support and constant abuse tore me down. I worked my tail off and fell flat on my face.

After college, I told myself I was done running. However, I found myself craving the feeling and would sporadically run when I needed it. For many years I lived like this, running without purpose or structure, and trying to just fill the void. I felt like there was so much unfinished business, and I didn’t know how to channel that energy in a healthy way.

Two beautiful kids and lots of life changes later, I was reinspired to train for a race. We attended an indoor track race, one the same track I fell in love with sport long ago, and started answering my new calling. Something in my head was telling me to train for a half marathon, a distance I hadn’t run in almost a decade. I searched up a training plan, got a new snazzy pair of shoes, and started training.

My goal was to finish, but obviously the time shocked me. I ran way faster than expected, running 1 hour and 50 minutes. Not a professional time by any means, but a time I didn’t think I would come near, given I hadn’t been consistently training for years. Since then, I’ve ran in many more half marathons, trail runs, and most recently an 18 mile trail race through the Big Horn Mountains.

Some people call it an obsession. I call it a way to channel my anxiety, conquer my fears, and boost my confidence. I find it healing, just like so many other fellow runners. I always say, even after the bad runs, you always feel better. This is why I run, and I’ll be in honest, I don’t care what others think anymore.

My “Why” For This Business

As you are well aware, I have been a Registered Dietitian for almost a decade now. I am a busy, full-time working mama bear who is trying to fuel properly, train for more races, and push my body all while balancing this crazy train. It has not been easy at all – but I’m ready to share my tips and tricks with fellow runners and help them reach new levels!

I focus on a “food as fuel” method, incorporating strategies to get away from chronic dieting and get back to the principles of fueling the body with nutrient-rich and fun foods. I want to help runners who are stuck in the diet trap and start living at peace with food.

I want to help runners learn how to prevent overtraining, incorporate strength training, and create a running plan that fits their personal and health goals. There is truly no “one size fits all” approach, and I’m ready to share my tips with you to create a customized plan that fits your need!

Most of all, I want to create a community. A group of strong runners who can share positive experiences with one another, and push each other to the next level! You CAN do hard things!

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